The ABC Economy End of Project event was held in the Rediscovery Centre in Ballymun, Dublin on 11th May 2022.
The two-year research project “Agri Bio Circular Economy” (ABC Economy) aimed to develop new sustainable value chains for the bioeconomy in Ireland by maximising value and minimising environmental impacts through cascading biomass to create biobased products and generate energy. The project was led by BiOrbic researchers, Dr. Fionnuala Murphy and Dr. Rosanna Kleemann.
The End of Project Event on Wednesday was held to present the results of this two-year research project. The event featured presentations and a Q&A panal discussionby BiOrbic researchers Dr. Fionnuala Murphy, Dr. Rosanna Kleemann, and BiOrbic Industry Engagement and Commercialisation Manager Sean Douglas. The project was led by University College Dublin with Cré in collaboration with Tipperary and Monaghan County Councils.

Over 80 people attended this hybrid event, which included attendees from government departments (DAFM and SEAI), policymakers, researchers and industry experts.
Great discussions were had on the quantification of biomass resources, market potential, and biorefinery opportunities of agricultural and forestry waste streams in Counties Monaghan and Tipperary.
It played an important role in quantifying biomass resources in Monaghan and Tipperary, as well as the opportunities for biorefining and growth of the bioeconomy in the agri and forestry sectors.
All the presentations and recording are available on
The individual presentations can be downloaded below:
Introduction to the ABC Economy Project & Event
Dr. Fionnuala Murphy, University College Dublin
ABC Economy Results
Dr. Rosanna Kleemann, University College Dublin
Techno-Economic Analysis of AD in Co. Tipperary
Seán Douglas, University College Dublin
Draft Bioeconomy Innovation Blueprint
ABC Economy was kindly co-funded under the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland Research Development & Demonstration Programmewith the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
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