
We aim to inform the public about the bioeconomy and help develop its future leaders

Building awareness of the bioeconomy and it’s potential is one of our key activities. We want the public to make informed decisions and for young people to be prepared for future careers in our new circular, sustainable infrastructure.

bioeconomy lesson plans

Download any of our bioeconomy lesson plans, targeted to teachers in both primary and secondary. Created by BiOrbic researchers and/or teachers! 

back for the future

We create escape rooms with puzzles based on our research projects to engage audiences online, in-person and even in their local library or school!

the bioeconomy map

We have produced an interactive exhibit that lets you take a virtual tour of Ireland’s bioeconomy and learn all about its potential!

environmental innovators

Working with Agri Aware, we have produced a course for TY students that explores how we can maximise our resources to produce food sustainably. 


Our Amazing Algae workshop, adapted for various ages, demonstrates all the amazing things we can do with seaweed right on the beach!


Our Gut Health workshop for primary school students explores pig anatomy and nutrition, followed by a trip to visit the pigs themselves!

sustainable christmas stories

Our PhD students have created some engaging Christmas stories with a sustainable message to help families educate their kids in a festive way!

native scientist

BiOrbic draws in researchers from around the globe and a number of them have taken advantage of their language skills to take part in Native Scientist!


We partner with Junior Achievement Ireland by contributing to the Futurewize programme, educating TY students about STEM career options!

pint of bioeconomy

Our spin-off events, in collaboration with Pint of Science, takes bioeconomy research into the local pub to build awareness with an adult audience.

Green is the new black

Our slow fashion course gives undergraduate students an insight into the impacts of fashion, how they can reduce it and how to inspire others.

sfi discussion toolkit

In partnership with SFI Science Week, we have developed a discussion toolkit to bring bioeconomy related questions into the classroom. Download below.