Only by working with society can we find the best solutions to suit everyone.
BiOrbic has a number of aims when it comes to working with society. We want to:
- Build an awareness of the bioeconomy
- Understand society’s needs and priorities better
- Bring outside expertise into our work
- Empower citizens to take sustainable action
- Educate the future drivers of the bioeconomy
Take a look at some of the ways we do this below and how you can get involved!
Everyone in Ireland contributes to and benefits from the bioeconomy.
We see all societal actors as partners in transitioning Ireland to a sustainable, circular bioeconomy. Primary producers cultivate our natural resources, industry transforms that into products and all of us consume them and provide waste to feed back into the system. Outside of this circular loop, policymakers help steer the bioeconomy in the right direction and rural citizens act as the custodians of our natural resources and support network to our primary producers. All of us have different roles to play and insights to offer.
How we engage…
When we engage we want to do it in the right way. At times it’s our job to keep society informed about our work and its potential. Sometimes we need to consult with citizens to help us improve our research. Other times it’s important to involve society a bit more or collaborate as equal partners. And last but certainly not least, its our duty to pass on our knowledge and resources to citizens so we can empower them to drive their own actions to create a sustainable, circular Ireland. You can see some of the ways we do this in our three engagement categories below.

Keeping society informed and educating the next generation.

Working with society to develop the bioeconomy together.

Empowering society to drive its own sustainable, circular change.