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PhD Student
Food and bioprocess engineering
  • 2012: Master’s in Food Engineering and Technology, Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Punjab, India
  • 2010: Bachelor’s in Food Science and Technology, Acharya N.G Ranga Agricultural University- Bapatla, Guntur, India

Mr. Maneesh Kumar Mediboyina is a Ph.D student at School of Biosystems and Food Engineering at UCD. His research focuses on life cycle sustainability assessment of food systems, with special interest in dairy processing and waste valorisation. His work aims to understand, quantify and assess the potential environmental impacts of multifunctional food systems throughout its life cycle. He is proficient at using environmental assessment software tools like GaBi and OpenLCA for life cycle modelling of products, processes and systems. Currently, he is working on evaluating the life cycle environmental performance of a first-of-a-kind, integrated industrial scale biorefinery for conversion of dairy side streams to high value bio-based chemicals under the EU’s bioeconomy flagship project AgriChemWhey.