NXTGENWOOD is a collaboration between BiOrbic, AMBER and others to extract high value materials from wood.
The project aims to translate these sustainable advanced materials, processes, and bioprocessing from the forest floor to rural communities, and Irish companies for economic and environmental impact.
The NXTGENWOOD ecosystem will produce sustainable, circular wood-based products and this will play an important role in reaching EU climate and energy targets.
NXTGENWOOD’s main objective is to provide research support for the wood-based industry, in light of the increasing volume and value of Irish timber and its pivotal role in addressing climate change. This project brings together key researchers in research centres and link companies and other stakeholders creating a research hub. It will advance the value and impact of Irish research via new materials and processes to allow production of high value materials, chemicals and other products and so capitalise on the public and private investment in the forestry sector.
More specifically, the NXTGENWOD research ecosystem will aim to:
1. Develop higher value wood derived products
2. Generate innovative wood based materials/bio-chemicals
3. Train and develop a future skilled workforce
4. Accelerate industry transition to a carbon neutral economy
The NXTGENWOOD project brings together contributions from the following partners and collaborators.