In November, Cathy Keenan, BiOrbic’s Business Development and Commercialisation Officer travelled to Tromsø the main regional centre in Northern Norway as part of a cross-agency group from Ireland. The group included representatives from Údarás na Gaeltachta, Nua na Mara, Marine Institute, BIM, ATU Galway and BiOrbic.

The main aim of the Study Visit was to meet with BioTech North and a series of its partners and to learn more about their Marine Bioeconomy structures. Meetings included researchers (centred at the University of Tromsø), the Norwegian Seafood Research Fund, the Troms & Finnmark Council and start-up firms in the area of marine technology, biotechnology and aquaculture.

The visit was very fruitful in terms of shared learnings and insights into the collaborative approaches, policies, funding and innovation models which underpin the ongoing success of Norway’s marine economy. These learnings have led to a set of joint recommendations for the development of a Marine Cluster and Biorefinery in the West of Ireland.