Did you know seaweed is in toothpaste, drinks, jelly sweets and all kinds of products? Did you know seaweed is the reason we have an Ozone layer?
Seaweed (or algae) is pretty amazing and has the potential to help us tackle climate change. Farming seaweed is a way to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and doesn’t take up any land space. And we can then use it as a healthy source of food or feed for humans and animals, as well as put it in all sorts of products!
This is just some of the things we explored in our ‘Amazing Algae’ workshop that took place as part of Bioeconomy Ireland Week on Wednesday 20th October. Our researchers joined the National Aquarium, Galway Atlantaquaria, on Grattan Beach, County Galway and delivered workshops for 45 students, both primary and transition year.
The workshops were delivered by PhD students Lea Braud and Viruja Ummat and Post-Doc Sorcha Daly.