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IRPE Prize (International Recognition of Professional Excellence). International Ecology Institute, Hamburg, Germany.
Excellent Ecology Award (mid-career), Irish Ecological Association, 2nd Ecology and Evolution Conference, Galway, Ireland.
Innovations in Sustainability Science Award, Ecological Society of America (ESA), Oregon, USA.
Athena SWAN (Scientific Women’s Academic Network) departmental Gold Award – School of Biological Sciences, Queen’s University Belfast.
MarBEF (Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning) – EU Network of Excellence. Award for Excellence in Marine Biodiversity Research. Valencia, Spain.
Nessa is an ecologist and marine biologist, who is primarily interested in understanding the dynamics that underpin coastal ecosystems, the effects of multiple stressors including climate change and the sustainable management of benthic marine resources (e.g. shellfish, seaweed).
Current projects include:
Science Foundation Ireland - Beyond biofuel: Advanced seaweed cultivation for marine biodiscovery and climate change mitigation.
Marine Institute - Vulnerability of life stages of marine calcifiers to changes in ocean chemistry.
Trinity College - Quantifying the impact of multiple stressors on the production of marine benthic resources; and Blue carbon potential of seagrass communities.