Coffee Morning with Prof. Nick Holden


Join us for the relaunch of our internal BiOrbic Virtual Coffee Mornings this Friday! BiOrbic's deputy director Prof. Nick Holden from the School of Biosystems and Food Engineering (University College Dublin) will look into the question ‘Can we live sustainably?’

Coffee Morning with Amanda Mathieson


Join us for the second BiOrbic Virtual Coffee Morning this Friday! Amanda Mathieson, BiOrbic’s Public Engagement, Education and Communications Manager, will talk about the Centre’s EPE Strategy and answer all questions in relation to EPE.

Coffee Morning with Prof. Brijesh Tiwari


Join us for our third internal BiOrbic Virtual Coffee Mornings this Friday! BiOrbic's Marine Spoke Leader Prof. Brijesh Tiwari from will look into the question “Is the Sea a Sustainable Solution?” followed by a discussion session.

Coffee Morning with Prof. Yurii Gun’ko


Join us for our fourth internal BiOrbic Virtual Coffee Mornings this Friday! BiOrbic's Selective Separation platform leader Prof. Yurii Gun'ko from Trinity College Dublin will give a presentation with the title “Main research issues and influence of modern technologies” followed by a discussion session.

Coffee Morning with Prof. Eoin Casey


Join us for our fifth internal BiOrbic Virtual Coffee Mornings this Friday! Prof. Eoin Casey from the School of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering at University College Dublin will give a presentation with the title “How the materials-biology interface can advance the bioeconomy” followed by a discussion session.

Coffee Morning with Prof. Fionnuala Murphy


Join us for our sixth internal BiOrbic Virtual Coffee Morning this Friday! BiOrbic's Agricultural spoke leader Prof. Fionnuala Murphy from the School of Biosystems and Food Engineering at University College Dublin will give a presentation on the topic "The role of life cycle assessment in affecting societal perceptions of sustainability" followed by a discussion session.

Coffee Morning with Prof Kevin O’Connor


Join us for our 7th internal BiOrbic Virtual Coffee Morning this Friday! BiOrbic’s Centre Director Prof Kevin O'Connor from the School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science at University College Dublin will give a presentation on the topic “Greenhouse gases: An environmental problem and a resource for a modern society“ followed by a discussion session.

Life of Plastics


An interactive journey through the ‘Life of Plastics’ from cradle to grave. Register: Discover just how much plastic is in your home, where it comes from and where it ends up. Be amazed by the everyday renewable resources that are used to produce bioplastics. Be shocked to learn the end of life fate of […]


1st Annual BiOrbic Research Day


BiOrbic, Bioeconomy SFI Research Centre, is holding its 1st Annual BiOrbic Research Day on Thursday, June 3rd from 9:00am - 4:30pm via Zoom. The purpose of this event is to showcase the breath of BiOrbic research, featuring presentations by BiOrbic academics at all career stages.  In addition, we are pleased to announce the following keynote lectures: […]