We believe all voices should contribute to the design of our future bioeconomy.
Developing the bioeconomy for our transition to a sustainable, circular Ireland is a huge and complex endeavour that will impact all citizens. It’s essential that we open up this process to outside expertise to ensure relevant, just and practical solutions. To this end, we are eager to collaborate with as many public groups as possible.

stakeholder consultation
We are continually engaging primary producers and other stakeholders with our research to gain their valuable insights. Whether it’s farmer opinions on a new biodiversity app or how they see their future role in the bioeconomy.

Many of our research project sites are open to visits from a variety of stakeholders. The discussions that take place during these visits are vital for determining the direction of our research and in keeping our activities transparent.

collaborative opportunities
Our researchers are eager to take up real opportunities to bring public stakeholders together for collaborative community projects. This will build relationships and support a sustainable, circular bioeconomy with real, tangible action.

BiOrbic works with industry to ensure our research outcomes are translatable and will have a real societal impact. We have industry partners collaborating with us on a wide range of projects and we value their insights and contributions.

working with young people
We are eager to collaborate with young people as the future drivers and beneficiaries of our bioeconomy. Our partnership with Foró ige is allowing us to co-create educational programmes and career opportunities with young people.

public initiatives
A number of BiOrbic researchers either have either founded or participate in public initiatives that are changing the infrastructure of the bioeconomy, in partnership with various stakeholders around Ireland.